Monday, November 19, 2012


By using the method of naturalistic observation, I plan to observe Black-Americans in the Willow brook Mall. With the holiday season coming up, the malls are sure to be packed with people. By going to the mall at the popular time of late afternoon-night time, there will surely be enough people to unknowingly participate in this experiment.

When in a clothing store, (these will vary so the experiment will not be obvious) I will pretend to be shopping when in reality I will be watching how the worker in the front of the store greets each incoming customer. I will take notes on my phone of how the worker acts toward two different Black-American customers as well as two different White-American customers (including myself). I will spend as much time as I need in this store to record information on the way the four different customers are greeted.

I will then move on to another store and observe the way that employees assist customers based on their race. I will once again take notes on my phone and record my findings when once again observing two different Black-American customers as well as two different White-American customers (including myself). I will look for a change in attitude (such as being more or less patient), tone of voice, or a change in body language. 

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